Sunday, August 5, 2018

Tony Taccone: The Time of Our Lives

During the teaching this morning at Portland Insight Meditation Community (, Robert Beatty shared a beautiful poem which deeply moved me. He read it twice. And Robert repeated the lines again about "stories in which we seek conclusion, our highest and most dangerous invitation." So wise and true. Deep bow of gratitude for Robert, for this poem, and for all that helps each of us to remember what we have forgotten and embrace the preciousness of life. Molly

The Time of Our Lives

This, then, is what we are given.

ten or twenty thousand days
wherein we watch
a billion leaves
born then blush, fall
turn to earth, to silt,
to ash so soft
it will not bear a name.

from this black dust
we make our things, clothes
shelter, jewelry

stories in which
we seek conclusion,
our highest
and most dangerous invention.

for this culling of days
this harvest of dust
gathers meaning only
by our watching, our being,

our sensation of
what is forever being given —
that our bodies
are really only leaves seeking light

loved at last
by the wind.

— Tony Taccone

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