Thursday, August 23, 2018

Stephen Cope: The Night Sea Journey

This is a powerful and wise quote. I have experienced firsthand this "night sea journey" over many years now. I've also witnessed, personally and professionally, the process of healing and awakening of countless others who have courageously undertaken this pathway into our deeper selves. Yes, it can be incredibly painful to open our hearts to what we may have long neglected or denied and to instead agree to gradually learn how to "exile nothing." That said, it is my belief that remaining disassociated and split off within ourselves - which also inevitably results in our lack of intimacy and deep connection with others - is what causes us the greatest suffering. May courage and compassion be contagious. May we all be engaged in this amazing journey of coming home to ourselves. 
With warmest blessings...❤ Molly

The "night sea journey" is the journey into the parts of ourselves that are split off, disavowed, unknown, unwanted, cast out, and exiled to the various subterranean worlds of consciousness... The goal of this journey is to reunite us with ourselves. Such a homecoming can be surprisingly painful, even brutal. In order to undertake it, we must first agree to exile nothing.

Stephen Cope 

I found this quote in Bessel Van Der Kolk's book,
The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and 
Body In the Healing of Trauma 

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