Monday, June 25, 2018

The Strong and Sacred Heart Energy That Will Awaken and Heal Our World

Each and every time that there is a resurgence of projecting heartlessness, hatred, oppression, and other forms of violence onto an “Other,” we humans are reminded of deeper truths. These painful patterns which have caused so much suffering have veins which go back throughout most of human history. And they illuminate that what we ignore, minimize, deny, justify, neglect, etc. will continue to be endlessly repeated. This is true of patterns within individuals , families, cultures, nations. 
The invitation here is for each of us to own our part in the need for our human healing and transformation. As we hit a tipping point of those who are brave-hearted enough to embrace this courageous work, it then becomes possible for humankind to make the evolutionary leap that has been needed for so long.
It is time. It is well past time for each and every one of us to reflect upon ourselves individually and collectively and become increasingly mindful of what we can do to lessen our judgements and justifications for hatred. We all can continue to strengthen our capacity for compassion and wisdom and become growing forces of peace on the planet.
Let us be consciously committed to “feeding the good wolf” and being part of the Great Turning that is unfolding. It is my belief that the ripples of the strong and sacred heart energy in us all is what will awaken and heal our world.

Bless us all,

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