Sunday, June 24, 2018

'Occupy ICE' Protests Emerge Across the Country

There is a protest that has shut down the ICE office here in Portland, and I participated in the original protest there one week ago. There are so many ways that each of us can each choose to stand up to the dehumanization and violence directed at other human beings, which has been growing in America and spreading across the world on a horrifying scale. We can work together towards a more just and caring world. Tag, we are all it! ― Molly


Protesters are occupying Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) facilities across the country, inspired by a Portland protest that resulted in the indefinite shutdown of an ICE detention center on Wednesday. 

"Occupy ICE" protesters are blocking the loading dock of ICE headquarters in New York, have set up tents in front of an ICE facility in Los Angeles and are gathered outside of a detention center in Washington state.
Though the protests are not led by any one group, the Democratic Socialists of America are involved in most states, alongside groups associated with prison abolition, immigration rights and anarchist collectives. The protests are calling for an abolition of ICE and an end to what they call human rights abuses by the criminal justice system, alongside other reforms.
The Portland protest began in response to the Trump administration’s policy of separating migrant children from their parents at the border, a result of the administration's “zero tolerance” policy toward illegal border crossings.
ICE spokeswoman Carissa Cutrell told The Hill on Wednesday that the agency "fully respects the rights of all people to voice their opinion without interference" and "ICE remains committed to immigration enforcement consistent with federal law and agency policy."
The Hill reached out to ICE and the Department of Homeland Security for further comment.
In New York, dozens of protesters organized by the Metropolitan Anarchist Coordinating Council (MACC) are camping outside of an ICE office building in Manhattan on Saturday. They are blocking the loading dock through which ICE vans bring immigrants in and out of the building, MACC organizer Marisa Holmes said to The Hill.
“For the last year or two, we've seen an escalation of repression, an escalation of criminalization and dehumanization of immigrants as a result of Trump's election,” Holmes said. “We’ve seen more of a consolidation happening of Homeland Security and ICE and unbelievable, indiscriminate capturing of people and detaining without due process.”
“I think right now is really a turning point where we have to ask ourselves what kind of society and what kind of world we want to live, what is acceptable to do to other human beings and what is not,” Holmes added. “We cannot allow this level of dehumanization and violence to be normalized. It’s horrifying.” 

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