Sunday, June 10, 2018

Despite Medicare for All Support 'Spreading Like Wildfire,' Pelosi Shrugs, Says Dems Will 'Evaluate'... If They Win

Anyone who thinks that Republicans are all bad and Democrats are all good needs to look more deeply. Both major political parties are in the pockets of Dark Money and have colluded in toxic neoliberal policies and propaganda for the past 40 years. Yes, there are exceptions within the Democratic Party. And they are the exception. It isn't just the corporate Republicans who all must go. Pelosi and all like her must also go. ― Molly

One critic offered this translation of Pelosi's statement: "My pharmaceutical and health insurance donors hate the idea of Medicare for All, but just vote me back in and, honest, we'll 'look' at it."

Despite mounting evidence that support for Medicare for All is "spreading like wildfire" and has become a winning issue for Democratic candidates, House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi is drawing ire from progressives following a press conference on Thursday where she told reporters that she is open only to "evaluating" the idea if the party wins control of Congress in the mid-terms.
According to the Center for Responsive Politics, Pelosi has taken more than $200,000 in donations from the health sector in the 2017-2018 election cycle.
Far from being a fringe issue, Medicare for All now has the support of 51 percent of Americans polled by the Washington Post and Kaiser Family Foundation.
Several Democratic candidates running for congressional seats throughout the country—in both blue and red districts—have won elections in recent months on platforms that proudly support Medicare for All.

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