Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Kim Stafford: Do You Need Anything From the Mountain?

Do You Need Anything From the Mountain?

Could you bring me a smudge of camas blue,
and the whisper whistle of that one pine
at the edge of the meadow at dusk, when day
gives a lost, last breath? Bring me the road
that becomes deep duff as it trails away
into the forest, young firs ten feet tall
along the hump between the old ruts.
Bring me a story you hear in dark silence
after the last light, the gone that gathers dew
in the fingers not to hold, carry away, but
only to feel. Bring me that skein of fire
that hangs in intimate eternity, after
the dark but before the thunder, when
the bounty of yearning in one cloud
reaches toward another, in each being’s
endless, impossible desire to complete itself
before falling away.
Kim Stafford

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