Thursday, May 17, 2018

Democrats Shamed for Supporting Gina Haspel, CIA Nominee Who Oversaw 'Chaining Detainees to Ceiling for Days, Naked or in Diapers'

Immoral. Sick. Evil.  
This woman is dangerous! ― Molly
Torture Gina Haspel helped oversee:
• Chaining detainees to ceiling for days, naked or in diapers
• Slamming them into walls
• Simulated drowning
• Deprivation of food and sleep
This is the record @MarkWarner, @JoeManchinWV, and @HeidiHeitkamp are supporting.

ACLU reminded lawmakers that Trump's nominee also "oversaw torture methods based on 1960s-era experiments on dogs."
After the Senate Intelligence Committee on Wednesday advanced Gina Haspel's nomination to direct the CIA despite the key role she played in agency's post-9/11 torture program, the full chamber is poised to offer its final approval—with the large majority of Republicans and at least five Democrats pledging to vote in favor—which critics are calling "an affront to human rights."

The ACLU, in a series of tweets, shared the details about Haspel's history that are publicly known, and said the committee had "voted to reward a dark, criminal chapter of our country's history when it shouldn't have agreed to a vote until Haspel's full torture record was made public." Calling Wednesday's 10-5 vote "an embarrassment to our democracy," the group urged other members of the Senate to "do the job the committee failed to."

Two Republicans—Sens. John McCain (Ariz.) Rand Paul (Ky.)—are openly opposing Haspel. However, in a move that's been called "beyond shameful," five Democrats—Sens. Joe Manchin (W.Va.), Joe Donnelly, (Ind.), Mark Warner (Va.), Heidi Heitkamp (N.D.), and Bill Nelson (Fla.)—have said they plan join with the rest of the GOP and vote for Haspel, which makes it likely her nomination will clear the full Senate.

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