Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Nadine Burke Harris: How Childhood Trauma Affects Health Across a Lifetime

Thank you to my former Child Welfare coworker Megan Casey for this TED Talk! This is powerful, wise, and true. There are different vital pieces that contribute to our human healing, well-being, awakening, transformation, and evolution as a species. This is absolutely one core aspect to our awareness and growth that is profound in its capacity and potential to alleviate suffering, addiction, depression, illness, and the many faces of violence and trauma within ourselves, our culture, and this beautiful world we share. I believe it is deeply important to recognize and address in an ongoing way the root causes of the heartlessness and hatred, abuse and neglect, fear and greed, poverty and oppression, racism and dehumanization, and the pitting of an us against an Other that is so prevalent in American culture and beyond. I hope that this will go viral! Another world is truly possible. Molly

 Please go here for this link: 

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