Friday, March 16, 2018

Teenagers Defeat Trump’s Move to Kill Climate Change Lawsuit

These amazing kids first fought Obama and now Trump. May they prevail against the great powers of greed and ignorance that they have been bravely taking on. We adults and elders need to stand with our children! Another world is possible! Molly

 - Government is accused of fostering fossil-fuel dependence
·    - U.S. argued to appeals panel case doesn’t belong in court
By Kartikay Mehrotra
A group of 21 youths who accuse the U.S. government of failing for decades to properly address climate change defeated the Trump administration’s attempt to keep the dispute out of court.
The U.S. Court of Appeals in San Francisco ruled Wednesday that a novel and sweeping case, which the Obama administration first tried to extinguish in 2016, can proceed toward a trial. Trump’s Justice Departmentis expected to ask the Supreme Court to shut it down.
The group of mostly teenagers in Oregon alleged in a 2015 complaint that government policies have exacerbated global warming in violation of their rights -- and those of future generations -- under the U.S. Constitution.
They claim that for more than 50 years, the office of the president and eight federal agencies promoted regulations to support the U.S. energy industry’s proliferation of fossil fuels, accounting for a quarter of the world’s carbon emissions. They asked the court to force the government to formulate a formal plan to change course.
The Trump administration argued the case is based on “utterly unprecedented legal theories” and that it’s unreasonable to delve into “unbounded” research into the executive branch dating back to the Lyndon Johnson presidency.
Using a rare procedural maneuver, the Justice Department contended that the federal judge in Eugene, Oregon, who refused to dismiss the case in November 2016, had overstepped her authority. The government asserted that the policy matters at issue are the domain of the president and Congress.
A three-judge panel unanimously concluded the issues raised by the federal government are “better addressed through the ordinary course of litigation.”

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