Saturday, March 17, 2018

On a Lighter and More Personal Note...

On a lighter and more personal note...

This is our puppy dog Shira resting with one of her little furry friends. Shira does have an exhausting life, after all. She likes to play the chase game with our kitty Bodhi (our only cat who will play) and backyard squirrels. She takes Ron and me to the river just about every day to throw countless balls in the fields and sticks in the river. She has play dates with her sweet friend Maddie and our grandson Carsten. There are all kinds of family love fests with lots of snuggles and affection. She stands guard over our home from prowling neighborhood cats and from raccoons that take middle of the night dips in our pond. Etc., etc. So Shira definitely needs her times of rest. — Molly

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