Tuesday, January 23, 2018

The Senators Who Voted Against Ending the Shutdown

Deep bow of respect and gratitude for all who voted no on allowing the shutdown to be ended without anything close to a commitment and guaranteed outcome that would be humane, just, moral, and compassionate in its protection of other human beings. The empathic failures of so many must be resisted and not accepted as normal or justified under any circumstance. Each and every human being has value and matters. Period. That is where we must all draw the line. The soul of our nation and beyond is at stake. And the children are watching. The children are watching. And they are suffering. May we adults model that we see these young people and their suffering and that we care deeply for all children everywhere, no exceptions. Molly

Sen. Chuck Schumer said Monday that Democrats and Republicans have reached a bipartisan deal to end the government shutdown until February 8th, by which time if a deal is not reached, the Senate will immediately look to DACA legislation.
Why it matters: Not everyone is happy with the agreement, however, and numerous senators are still voting "no."
  • Sen. Kamala Harris sent a statement saying that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's words on DACA "fell far short of the ironclad guarantee I needed to support a stopgap spending bill".
  • Sen. Kristen Gillibrand tweeted: "I want to see the government re-open as much as anyone, but this bill fails to fix the moral issue we must solve. That's why I voted against it."
  • Sen. Elizabeth Warren tweeted: "It’s been over 100 days since protection for 800k Dreamers ended, since community health centers were funded, since hurricanes ravaged TX, FL & PR. The Republicans refused to fix any of these issues– and they still haven't fixed them. We don't need new promises. We need new laws."
  • Sen. Bob Menendez tweeted: "I couldn’t vote for this CR because nothing in the bill gave me any confidence that in three weeks Congress won’t end up exactly where we are today."
  • Sen. Ed Markey tweeted: "I remain deeply skeptical of any short-term budget agreement that relies on the good faith commitment of @realDonaldTrump. A budgetary vision without funding is a hallucination."
  • Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto tweeted, ".@realDonaldTrump created a crisis when he ended #DACA. Now, thousands of #Dreamers have lost their status, their jobs, & living in fear of deportation. Pitting Americans against one another is no way to govern. I voted no on cloture b/c Dreamers cannot wait. We must act now."
Other Dems who voted "no:"
  • Sen. Corey Booker
  • Sen. Richard Blumenthal
  • Sen. Dianne Feinstein
  • Sen. Mazie Hirono
  • Sen. Patrick Leahy
  • Sen. Jeff Merkley
  • Sen. Chris Murphy
  • Sen. Bernie Sanders
  • Sen. Jon Tester
  • Sen. Ron Wyden
Please go here to continue this article:  https://www.axios.com/senators-who-voted-against-ending-shutdown-a98b4bce-8518-4f58-926e-03bc566039ef.html

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