Sunday, January 28, 2018

Standing In Integrity, Truth, Courage, Compassion, Wisdom, and Love

For the Children

This remains one of my favorite march signs and photographs. Bottom line, when we get out on the streets and rally and march and stand up to injustice and all the empathetic failures and heartlessness and mindless violence in our midst, we are doing so for the well-being of the children, all the children everywhere. Whatever higher good we’re passionately committed to, the eyes and hearts of the children are watching and listening. 

There is a great deal of toxicity in the air. May we resist the pull of all that is rooted in ignorance, unconsciousness, violence, and greed and instead stand ever more strongly in fierce compassion, kindness, courage, wisdom, and love.  

Bless all the precious children everywhere.
Bless us all. ― Molly

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