Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Bullet History of Why Neoliberals Deserve Repudiation

Thank you to Brian Lacy for sharing this, which I am also moved to pass on. Recognizing the great gap between the progressive actions and policies Obama promised and the reality of what actually happened during his presidency was a huge and painful lesson for me. I began to truly learn about neoliberalism, this dark murky poisonous sea we swim in but never hear about in the corporate news. And in this process, I also began to untangle myself from the politics of polarities - I've either got to be a Republican or a Democrat and one is right and the other is wrong. How disillusioning to learn that neoliberalism is a disease that infects both major political parties in our country. And how I pray for disillusionment for more and more of us because it can shake us awake! This whole thread that I am sharing began in a conversation on Facebook about whether or not Oprah Winfrey should run for President. That's when a response was given that Oprah is yet another neoliberal. It's hard to look at those we may admire and pull back the curtain and have shadow sides to these human beings revealed that we didn't know existed. Yet, this courage is exactly what we all need to embrace and inspire in one another. Otherwise we are vulnerable to getting pulled in by the words we want to hear that in reality hold no substance or truth. May we all be passionately committed to truth, to learning how to follow the money and connect the dots, to courageously recognizing and shedding our own layers of illusions and ignorance, and to working together in the pursuit of a higher good for us all. Molly

From Brian Lacy:

Obama like other neoliberals before him RAN as a progressive populist to get votes, then governed as a pro Wall Street, pro war legislator. Like FDR before him, only massive in the streets public repudiation of the drone strikes, the TARP bank giveaways, the slow steady strangulation of the middle class would've pressed both executive and Congress to "make tinkering adjustments" to our corporate-capitalism system...

Bullet history why neoliberals both deserve repudiation and have delivered us the likes of tRump. 

• When I was hungry, Obama cut food stamps.
• When I was living in extreme poverty, Bill Clinton cut welfare.
• When I was child fleeing violence in Honduras, Hillary Clinton told me I should be sent back "to send a message"."
• When I was migrant worker supporting my family, Obama deported me and 2.5 million other migrants.
• When I was fleeing my country in search of a better life, Hillary voted for a wall and more border security to keep me out.
• When I was an unarmed black man shot in the back, Obama ignored my family and used the DOJ to praise cops, not put them behind bars. 
• When I wanted peace, Obama started three new wars.
• When I wanted safe food, Obama signed the Monsanto Protection Act
• When I needed help with my drug addiction, Bill Clinton threw me in jail by passing a crime bill that led to the largest prison population on Earth.
• When I wanted the truth about my government, Obama prosecuted more whistleblowers than the last 10 presidents combined.
• When Israel stole and bombed my land, Obama gave them $40 billion.

Naomi Klein https://youtu.be/sKTmwu3ynOY

Chris Hedges https://youtu.be/teTdHzj3gFM

Greatest tragedy is you can FEEL Obama's genuine humanity shine SO brightly, yet he politically let SO much decline. Either blinded by his own paradigms and success...or not wanting to die for a cause like naming and fighting to slow or stop our continued side into neofeudalism....

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