Wednesday, December 20, 2017

We Can Work Together Toward a More Just World

We can transform our nation! We Americans can learn to recognize and resist and refuse to collude in the propaganda that tells us lies such as that in other countries you can to wait 6 months to see a doctor. Meanwhile millions of Americans have no healthcare, get sick and die or are bankrupted due to not having health insurance, live in poverty, are homeless and living in tents on the street, and are suffering deeply and needlessly because of those who say we can't change and those who believe them. I say NO! We can change! We can build something profoundly different and just and shift away from the immoral and obscene economic system of late stage toxic corporate capitalism that feeds the greed and ignorance that is the root of so much suffering and the extreme transfer of wealth upward. We can become a kind, caring, sustainable, and peaceful nation. Yes, there are huge forces working against exactly this. And we can extricate ourselves from these forces and the cultural stories and belief systems and actions that feed them. Individually and collectively, we can work together toward a more just world. Tag, we are all it! ― Molly

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