Saturday, December 2, 2017

Ron Matela: The Necessary Condition For Fascism

I am moved to share a quote by my husband, Ron Matela. Ron was responding to an excellent and vitally important article on fascism's rise in America entitled "Fascism's Rising in America Because America Doesn't Understand Fascism" - Ron's well articulated response is among the countless voices today which are deeply needed, growing, and committed to truth, transformation, wisdom, and shining light in these dark times.

Ron writes:  
Distrust, even hostility, to ideas, converted to hostility to the individual presenting them, rather than debating the value of the idea itself, is the product of years of intentional undermining of "elites" and "intellectuals" by (ironically) the true elite class, who have done a great job of discrediting even the very idea of objective truth (remember "alternative facts"?) thus making civil discourse almost impossible. Back to the question of the civics IQ of Americans, try asking 10 random people to define "fascism", "socialism" and "communism". All respectable polls indicate that we as a society are profoundly ignorant of most things political. Note that the root is "to ignore" and implies willful lack of understanding, not a lack of intelligence. Ignorance is not bliss, but the necessary condition for fascism.

May we awaken Molly

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