Tuesday, December 12, 2017

May We All Be Transmitters of Growing Wisdom, Courage, Caring and Compassion

There are many dark and toxic forces which feed our ignorance and fear, our experience of separation and polarization, and our cultural stories and belief systems which tell us that profound change is not needed, too scary, too hard, or not possible. There is a great need for each and every one of us to step up in our most courageous, compassionate, wise and caring way and say NO! to those forces. Another world is truly possible. One which honors and cares for all life. There are many reasons why I gradually weaned myself off eating anything with a face a decade ago. May we all be transmitters of growing wisdom and courage, of inspiration and fierce compassionate action, and of new stories and visions of what is not only possible, but is already happening more and more right now. Also, if our vision is limited to our lifetimes, then we are not going to be holding in our hearts and visions the next seven generations and beyond. Just think of all the great movements over time that have been changing our world in significant ways which are in the highest good for life, all life. We can do this! Our species can evolve! Tag, we are all it!

 ― Molly

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