Monday, December 25, 2017

For Christmas: Warmest Holiday Wishes From Our Home To Yours

Warmest greetings of the season from our little home in Vancouver, Washington to yours, wherever you may be. At Christmastime, and regardless of whatever your religious or spiritual tradition, I send wishes for sweet and tender times with loved ones, for peace and good health, for healing and hope, for gratitude and generosity, for kindness and humor, for love and belonging, and for mindfulness of that which most matters. And may this holy time awaken in us all an ever deepening experience of wonder. Merry Christmas! ❤ Molly

Christmas Awakens Wonder

Christmas awakens wonder in the heart. All belief depends on wonder. Where there is no wonder, there can be no faith. Wonder is a beautiful way of seeing. Wonder never rests on the surface of a fact or situation. It voyages inwards to discover why something is the way it is. Wonder celebrates the mystery and depth of presence that is within us and around us. It has no greed to grasp or own the heart of a thing. As Patrick Kavanagh said: "Through a chink too wide comes in no wonder." Wonder keeps experience fresh and original. At the Winter Solstice the divine presence stirs in the crib of the heart infusing our eyes with the glow of wonder.
John O'Donohue

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