Sunday, November 5, 2017

Vice President Pence: “No Greater Force for Peace” Than U.S. Nuclear Arsenal

This is one face among many of a very disturbed human being who is a glaring mirror for these deeply disturbing and dangerous times. Another world is possible. May we all grow in our capacity and commitment to stop this madness and to instead act out of consciousness of that which heals rather than harms ourselves and other beings and our Earth Mother. - Molly

Vice President Mike Pence toured an intercontinental ballistic missile launch site in Minot, North Dakota, saying, "There’s no greater element of American strength, there’s no greater force for peace in the world, than the United States nuclear arsenal.”


Mattis’s threat came as Vice President Mike Pence toured an intercontinental ballistic missile launch site at an Air Force base in Minot, North Dakota, telling airmen that the Trump administration was prepared to launch an attack on North Korea.

Vice President Mike Pence: “The threats we face today mean that, once again, America’s security and our very future depend on the airmen of Minot being ready and being prepared. … History attests the surest path to peace is through American strength. There’s no greater element of American strength, there’s no greater force for peace in the world, than the United States nuclear arsenal.”

Pence’s visit came as the Trump administration seeks to expand the U.S. nuclear arsenal. A draft of the Nuclear Posture Review reviewed by top administration officials last month calls for new “low yield” nuclear warheads, sea-launched nuclear-armed cruise missiles, preparations for possible nuclear weapons tests and an easing of conditions under which the U.S. might launch a nuclear attack.

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