Sunday, November 5, 2017

Thích Nhất Hạnh: Hearing the Deepest Call of Our Hearts

Every one of us has an ultimate concern that has nothing to do with material or affective concerns. What do we want to do with our life? That is the question. We are here, but why are we here? Who are we, each of us individually? What do we want to do with our life? These are questions that we don’t typically have (or make) the time to answer.

These are not just philosophical questions. If we’renot able to answer them, then we don’t have peace—and we don’t have joy, because no joy is possible without some peace. Many of us feel we can never answer these questions. But with mindfulness, you can hear their response yourself, when you have some silence within. You can find some answers to these questions and hear the deepest call of your heart.

- Thích Nhất Hạnh

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