Thursday, November 9, 2017

Report on Inequality Finds 3 Richest Americans Wealthier Than Bottom Half

Sometimes it is truly hard to hold it all, or even a small part of the many faces of the madness that often feels epidemic. How do people such as these three men even begin to live with themselves when there is so much suffering and hunger and desperation and death and war and famine and sickness due to poverty related causes? This is preventable! There is enough on the Earth for all. The world we need is one which exposes, stops, heals, and transforms toxic runaway greed into pure and simple kindness and caring and remembrance that we are all related, all connected, all matter. May we humans wake up! - Molly

 From headlines: A new report on U.S. inequality 
finds the nation’s wealthiest three men—Bill Gates, 
Jeff Bezos and Warren Buffett—hold more wealth
than the bottom half of Americans, 
more than 160 million people.

A new report on U.S. inequality finds the nation’s wealthiest three men hold more wealth than the bottom half of Americans—more than 160 million people. The report from the Institute for Policy Studies, titled “Billionaire Bonanza 2017,” finds Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos and Warren Buffett hold a combined $248.5 billion, while the lowest 20 percent of U.S. households hold zero or negative wealth. The report’s authors, Chuck Collins and Josh Hoxie, warn, “Over recent decades, an incredibly disproportionate share of America’s income and wealth gains has flowed to the top of our economic spectrum.” The findings come as Senate Republicans prepare to unveil their plan to cut taxes—a bill that’s expected to balloon the national debt while slashing taxes on corporations and inherited wealth, showering most of its benefits on the wealthiest Americans.

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