Friday, November 17, 2017

Kumi Naidoo: The Biggest and Most Vital Struggle

Blessed are the courageous truth-tellers! Blessed are those who illuminate the madness of the suicidal path we are on and who say NO MORE! Blessed are those who shake us awake and say NOW IS THE TIME TO ACT INDIVIDUALLY AND TOGETHER TO SAVE OURSELVES AND OUR CHILDREN AND ALL THE CHILDREN OF ALL THE SPECIES ALIVE TODAY AND ON INTO COUNTLESS GENERATIONS IN THE FUTURE. NOW IS THE TIME! ― Molly

The struggle to avert catastrophic climate change is bigger than all the other struggles, whether it is slavery, democracy struggles, the woman's right to vote, and so on I would argue that if what is at stake is securing life as we know it, then there can be no bigger struggle that we face.
Investing one cent more in oil, coal and gas is investing in the death of society, and the in the death of our children.
Struggles only move forward when decent men and women step forward and say, 'enough is enough and no more.'
Currently, we allow our political and business leaders to get away with murder. Now is the time to change that. We need direct liability for those who are destroying our future and this planet. We need fast, profound and systemic change. History only moves forward when courageous people get up and act. That's why I support this citizens' initiative to recognise ecocide as the crime it is.
My final advice for young people is to not wait for leadership from adult politicians. Step forward today, because our current leaders are denying the dire reality we are facing. Leadership can come from anywhere.

 ― Kumi Naidoo


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