Wednesday, November 1, 2017

John Pavlovitz: Humanity Needs To Show Up and Be Human

It needs to be said again and again that the most patriotic, indeed the most needed and loving thing to do when there is a pattern of clear and present extreme danger to us all, both in America and around the world, is to illuminate that danger. What is happening now is beyond the reckless and devastating neoliberalism that both major political parties have engaged in. This is a new level of threat to life, to all life, that must be exposed, resisted, and stopped. Now, and by all of us. We’re all in this together. - Molly

From Pastor John Pavlovitz:
Please don't tell me to "stop shaming" supporters of this President.
That isn't what's happening here.
In the face of the most corrupt, incompetent, reckless, dangerous person to occupy the White House:
Their silence is shameful.
Their enabling is shameful.
Their rationalizing is shameful.
Their normalizing is shameful.
Bringing these things up is not.
I'm through apologizing for suggesting that humanity show up and be human.

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