Saturday, November 25, 2017

Illusion Of Choice

Americans are a highly propagandized people. This was shocking to me when I first heard someone I respect say this. Gratefully, there was something inside me that had to find out ― is this true? I was already on a path of healing, discovery, and shedding my illusions and false and harmful belief systems. So I continued to dig in deeper, researching and following the threads of facts and truth wherever they took me. Not always easy to not believe everything we think, including so much that we are told and indoctrinated to believe about our country. But so essential.

Today I am profoundly grateful for countless things, including all that illuminates the larger pictures and deeper truths that we most need to know. Half the solution is recognizing the problem. This takes courage. And support. And a profound commitment to truth. We are all connected and all in this together.

Another world is possible. ― Molly

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