Sunday, November 26, 2017

David Korten ― Ecological Civilization: The Vision

I have read many of the books by David Korten and seen him multiple times. I cannot recommend his work more highly. Molly

With David Korten, 2010
Ecological Civilization: The Vision

We humans now consume at a rate 1.7 times what Earth can sustain and the richest 8 of us own wealth equal to that of the poorest 3.7 billion. We face a choice. We can continue Imperial Civilization’s drive to environmental destruction and wealth concentration. Or we can create an Ecological Civilization that secures material sufficiency and spiritual abundance for all in balance with the regenerative systems of a living Earth. Our species survival hangs in the balance. 
Our future turns on a simple, nearly forgotten, truth. We humans are living beings born of and nurtured by a living Earth. Our health and well-being depend on her health and well-being. As she cares for us, we must also care for her.
This is a foundational premise of the emerging vision of the possibilities of an Ecological Civilization grounded in a New Enlightenment understanding of the beauty, wonder, meaning, and purpose of creation.

― David Korten

Please go here for more:

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