Tuesday, November 7, 2017

A Baby Is Born

With great gratitude and joy I share that there is a new grandbaby born to our family - and a girl this time! Little Eleanor* was born on October 12th to Brian and Marita. She is healthy and beautiful and our 2-1/2 year old grandson Oliver now has a baby sister. So grateful for our growing family! And I love being Grammie! 💜

In these times which can overwhelm us with challenges, deep concern and sadness, and grief for so much suffering in our communities and around the world, may we each also remember and nourish that which reminds us of joy and beauty, connection and love, and all that most deeply matters and nourishes us. May we use these experiences to grow our hearts stronger and stronger. Little ones like our grandchildren and children around the world remind us of how vital it is to their future that we adults stand in protection of them in every way we can here, now, today.

Bless all the precious children everywhere. Bless us all. - Molly

(*I do not post identifiable photos of Eleanor and Oliver to public media in respect of parent wishes.)

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