Sunday, October 8, 2017

We Can All Grow In Love, Let's Go In That Direction

This can be looked at in two ways. One is just to see that Americans are being divided up into those in the know and those who are mindless idiots. I don't see this post that way. What I see is that each and every one of us is vulnerable, to one degree or another, to being pulled in the direction of distractions, small matters, ignorance, fear, addictions, denials, collusion in that which harms, and stuckness in the familiar world we believe we know to be reality. For me, this picture invites introspection and critical thinking and courage. Because let's face it, we can all seek to evolve in our capacity to embrace truth, justice, and wisdom. Let's choose that path, mindfully and each and every day. Let's light that candle and set the intention when we wake up each morning to wake up yet a little bit more and shed the layers of our ignorance, one by one by one. We can do this. We can all grow in love. Let's go in that direction.

- Molly

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