Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Nahko and Medicine For the People: My Country

Thank you to my friend, Linda, for this one. I also need to share that I sit here weeping as I prepare to share this post. These are the places of suffering, harm and horror, and truth that many turn away from - through distractions, demonizations, denials - because, for those of us who are not Native, to truly open to and allow into our being the perspective and experience of Indigenous Peoples, and Blacks and other people of color, is to have our hearts break wide open. Truly, how is the American National Anthem experienced by the First Peoples??! I took my first class in college on Native American history and spirituality. So this is not a new subject to me. Yet, at the age of 66 and all these years later, I am still integrating into my heart what my mind has known for a very long time. May more and more of us ask for and receive the courage we need to be drawn to join with all whose hearts have broken open. We share so much more in common than not. And the tenderness of our broken hearts is among the antidotes to the propaganda of polarization, to the illusions of our separateness, and to the many faces of violence and ignorance which permeate our nation and the world. We are all related. We can heal. We can awaken and come together to create the world we all need. Molly

My “National Anthem”

We feel that racism and sexism and class seperation
That these are desecrations
And we feel that the american flag does not represent
Integrity, honor, justice or truth

My country 'tis of thee
Sweet land of poverty
For thee I weep
Land where my mother cried
Land where my father died
Sweet land of genocide
Pride of my heart

My country 'tis of thee
Sweet land of industry
We'll break your back
Clean out your minerals
Fill you with chemicals
We kill for what is profitable
Oh concrete world

Our climate's suffering
All nature feels the sting
Poisoned progress
All of these mouths to feed
All of this land to seed
From sea to shining sea
Gold underground
Our people left to die
Battlefield country-side
Paved-over graves
Suburban privileges make desolate villages
Broken treaties, Broken promises
Conquer, repeat

All warriors represent
Remind those who forget
The time is now
To walk in humble pride
Prepare and fortify
Resist comforts of compromise
Pray for guidance
Pray for guidance
Pray for guidance
― Nahko and Medicine For the People

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