Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Michael Meade: What the Heart Loves Is the Cure

A wise teaching from one of my longtime teachers,
Michael Meade. Deep bow of gratitude. - Molly

When the time comes for the heart to open fully again, the old fears will awaken and the inner walls will tighten up. Although fear can become terrifying and paralyzing, what we most fear is where we must go. “Fear is the guide for the true direction of the heart,” they used to say when considering the courage required to become oneself. Our way of loving and healing is seeded within us, yet it takes more than one breakthrough to reach the inner treasure. A long road made of longing and self-discovery is required in order to re-open the heart and reveal the gold within it. Another old proverb states that “what the heart loves is the cure.” Life is the ailment and what we love provides the cure for what ails us.
From Fate and Destiny 
Please go here for more:

With Michael Meade at the wedding of dear friends, 2002

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