Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Lingering Longer In the Eyes of a Stranger

This is so lovely and tender and needed. I love this reflection about lingering a little longer in the eyes of a stranger. The individual and collective cultural pain that is surfacing today with so much violence, tragedy, separation, and loss indeed invites us to strengthen our empathic consciousness. This empathy, compassion, kindness, and caring is the medicine we can increasingly work to embrace within ourselves and share with all beings. This is the process of transforming violence and tragedy into that which heals and awakens. May we all be rooted in a commitment to alleviate the suffering within ourselves, our communities, our nation, and the world. The ripples we send out and absorb inwardly matter deeply. May we choose mindfully that which nourishes and strengthens the gifts we bring to this beautiful world we share. We are all related, all connected, and all in this together. - Molly

Do you notice
how tragedies soften the heart
pluck us out of the daily grind
and you linger in a stranger's eyes
a second or two longer?
Connected, we are
and indeed, the crack is where
the light gets in.

- Molly Hahn 


(I am copying this post from David Bennett who adds:
"Soften your heart and move forward with clear vision
on how to best serve your fellow human beings."

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