Saturday, October 21, 2017

Follow This Way Like the Moon in the Path of the Stars

These quotes reflect glimpses into what I have come to experience as my lifelong journey of awakening, of shedding layer after layer of my illusions and forgetfulness, and of instead opening more deeply with each passing day and year to the remembrance of love and our sacred interconnection with all of life. Within each of us is truth, beauty, wisdom, compassion, and love. May we each grow in this connection with the depths of who we most wholly are and know the beauty of our true nature. Molly

Whatever path of action you find that brings good and happiness to all, follow this way like the moon in the path of the stars.

Inner freedom is not guided by our efforts; it comes from seeing what is true.

Don't keep searching for the truth, just let go of your opinions.

Take time to sit quietly and listen.

Like the mother of the world, touch each being as your beloved child.

Harm no other beings. They are just your brothers and sisters.

To awaken, sit calmly, letting each breath clear your mind and open your heart.

Just as a snake sheds is skin, we must shed our past over and over again.

In life, we cannot avoid change, we cannot avoid loss. Freedom and happiness are found in the flexibility and ease with which we move through change.

Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.

Most of the sorrows of the earth humans cause for themselves.

Even loss and betrayal can bring us awakening. 

Our own worst enemy cannot harm us as much as our unwise thoughts. No one can help us as much as our own compassionate thoughts.

Every wakeful step, every mindful act is the direct path to awakening. Wherever you go, there you are.

Live every act fully, as if it were your last. 

Words have the power to destroy or heal. When words are both true and kind, they can change the world.

The heart is like a garden. It can grow compassion or fear, resentment or love. What seeds will you plant there?

Jack Kornfield
Buddha's Little Instruction Book

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