Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Drug Czar Nominee Led Effort to Undermine Opioid Abuse Fight

President Trump's pick for "drug czar," Rep. Tom Marino, backed legislation that made it nearly impossible for the Drug Enforcement Administration to intervene in cases where large, suspicious shipments of opioids are delivered to pharmacies bound for the black market.

President Trump declined to say Monday whether he’d continue to back his nominee for drug czar, Republican Congressmember Tom Marino, after a Washington Post/”60 Minutes” investigation found Marino spearheaded a drug industry-backed effort to weaken federal government’s ability to crack down on the opioid epidemic. The legislation, backed by Rep. Marino and passed in 2016, made it nearly impossible for the Drug Enforcement Administration to intervene in cases where large, suspicious shipments of opioids are delivered to pharmacies bound for the black market. The Washington Post reports the drug industry lobbied heavily to win passage of the bill, contributing $1.5 million to its 23 congressional co-sponsors. Among them was Congressmember Marino, who accepted nearly $100,000 in campaign cash from the industry. Drug overdose deaths—primarily from opioid abuse—surged in the U.S. last year to nearly 60,000, becoming the leading cause of death for Americans under the age of 50.

(Update: Marino withdrew from consideration.)

Please go here for original headline: https://www.democracynow.org/2017/10/17/headlines/drug_czar_nominee_led_effort_to_undermine_opioid_abuse_fight

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