Thursday, September 21, 2017

Saying NO to the Graham-Cassidy Bill and YES to Compassion, Caring, and Universal Healthcare For All

The below image reflects the tragic, immoral, and profoundly unacceptable fact that the US ranks last in overall healthcare ranking among wealthy countries. Not only does our nation not provide healthcare as a basic human right for all, we now have yet again a new proposed bill that is greed, ignorance, and delusion masquerading as a better healthcare solution to the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare. The ACA is already far inadequate, as is anything that continues to cause millions to be without healthcare — the result of which is extreme suffering and countless deaths. Another world is truly possible. It is time that we settle for nothing less. — Molly

Graham-Cassidy-Heller ACA Repeal Summary:
Estimated 32 million will lose coverage within 10 years (not yet scored)
Ends Medicaid expansion. Health care for 11 million low-income adults; increases total loss of coverage to over 32 million Americans
Ends all subsidies for the exchange, replaced by a smaller and declining "block grant"
Block grant doesn't have to be spent on same population
Cuts coverage for low income seniors, children and people with disabilities by 7% by 2026 with a "per capita cap" (A block grant AND a lee capita cap)
Ends Federal protections on pre-existing conditions, life time cpas and essential benefits. 50% of states expected to do so
Ends all cost sharing payments to low income Americans
Ends all funding for coverage by 2026; cuts $250 billion between now and 2026
Average state cut of 17% through 2026, 100% afterwards
Averages would be dramatically different: 20 states estimated to lose 35-60% of funding to move money to rural, red states
CBO has not estimated impact on premiums, but likely 20% spike next year
Would likely be presented to the House as "take it or leave it" if passes Senate
Provide no funding for recessions, natural disasters, public health emergencies, or price spikes
Targets women's health/family planning, mental health and substance abuse treatment 
Uses the same "50 votes" only partisan technique to pass; upends all bipartisan progress of the last 2 weeks 
Source: Centers for budget & policy, CBO prior estimates

This is the face of inhumanity, toxic ignorance and greed, and extreme empathic failure masquerading as caring about the wellfare of human beings
In addition, John Pavlovitz writes:
If you take issue with your elected officials trying to kill you—you may wanna pick up the phone today.
You can also text RESIST to 50409 and compose a fax or email to send to your reps! I'm calling and faxing every day!
Photo from Troy, Michigan
It is vital to illuminate that both Republicans and most Democrats are in the pocket of the insurance industry and have fought implementing a healthcare system that would serve all.
These are the countries that provide healthcare as a right for their citizens. The U.S. stands almost entirely alone among developed nations that lack universal health care.
Another world is possible.

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