Tuesday, September 5, 2017

I Am a Woman Bathing in the Bliss of the Company of Other Women

The arbor at this years Women of the 14th Moon Ceremony where over 100 of us sat in circle and bathed in the bliss of the company of other women.
This past Sunday I emerged from a weekend in Ceremony. I was one of over 100 women from ages 12 to 84 who were bathing in the bliss of the company of other women. I attended my first Women of the 14th Moon Ceremony in 1999 and have only missed two years since then. And my life has been changed. This women's ceremony occurs here outside of Portland, Oregon annually over Labor Day weekend. The 14th Moon Ceremony has also spread all over the country and beyond, and each year there are new ceremonies being birthed. 

This Ceremony is one of the many faces of the Great Healing that is happening all over the Earth, and it is the healing of the feminine and the Sacred Feminine. To the degree that any of us have knowingly or unknowingly participated in the great harm of our Earth Mother is the degree that we see the consequences shouting at us from all over the planet. We humans are being implored to change and transform our ways and to increasingly engage in healing rather than harming life. And certainly that necessitates a healing of the feminine within women and men alike. 

May we all find what we need to deepen our connections with the Divine Feminine within ourselves and all of life. May we find the circles and ceremonies and healing spaces that we need to grow into our greater wholeness and individually and collectively collaborate on birthing a new world, one which embraces loving, interrelatedness, empathy, compassion, and kindness as its highest values. 

Bless us all. And deepest gratitude for the Women of the 14th Moon Ceremony and for the women's circle I have sat in with my beautiful circle sisters for 3-1/2 years. May we all heal. And awaken. - Molly

Sitting in a circle, women beside me; women across from me; women around me; women listening to me; women understanding me; women appreciating me; women admiring me; women comforting me; women laughing with me; women keening with me; women celebrating with me; women outraged with me; women creating with me; women allowing me to create my own way. Women healing each other; women healing the world;  women longing for peace; women uniting for justice; women choosing love and forgiveness; women visioning; women in the world; women in the home; women mothering children; women tending men; women nursing parents; women running institutions; women struggling; women overcoming; women growing; women dying. Women, huge and tiny, bold and shy, wide and full, long and athletic; wise, strong, tender, holy, compassionate, vital, brilliant, magnificent, multicolored, multitalented, multifaceted, sparkling, glimmering, light-giving gems of Creation, women! I am a woman bathing in the bliss of the company of other women.

  —Janet Quinn
From I Am a Woman Finding My Voice


For more information on the Women of the 14th Moon 
Ceremony, please go here:

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