Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Frank Ostaseski: Forgiveness

I have been immersing myself in Frank Ostaseski's book The Five Invitations. So many jewels, depth, insight and healing, and wisdom and love here. — Molly

All forgiveness is self-forgiveness. It is a remarkable form of self-acceptance that allow us to release an unbelievable amount of pain. It's about realizing that as long as you hold on to the hot coal of your anger, resentment, and sense of having been wronged, you are only hurting yourself. Unless you release that burden, you will carry it with you for the rest of your life. You will never be free.

Don't wait. Don't wait until you find yourself on your deathbed to begin the process of forgiving those who have hurt you or those you have wronged. Allow the fragile nature of life to show you what's most important ... then take action. It hurts too much to keep others or ourselves out of our hearts.

— Frank Ostaseski
Excerpted from The Five Invitations: Discovering What Death
Can Teach Us About Living Fully

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