Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Please Find Your Own Way To Swing the Pendulum In the Direction of Love

While the world figures this all out, I'm going to continue holding doors for strangers, letting people merge in front of me in traffic, saying "please" and "thank you," saying "good morning," being patient with children, the elderly, the waiter, the customer service rep at the other end of the line, and smiling at strangers. I will not stand idly by and let children live in a world where unconditional love is invisible. 

Please join me in showing love, respect, caring, and compassion not only to those we know and care for, but also to those who are outside of our familiar circles of caring and who we may be tempted to react to as "Other." I will not allow myself to be pulled into that which separates and divides and polarizes. And I will intervene on myself if I slip into the parts of myself that can be harsh and judging and I will change directions, recognizing that those who push our buttons are also potential teachers who provide opportunities to deepen in our practice of walking our talk and living our deepest values. I will grow more committed and stronger day by day in walking a path of no harm and of fierce compassionate action rooted in caring for all life.

Please find your own way to swing the pendulum in the direction of love, because today, sadly, hate is gaining ground. Let us use these times which are bringing so much that has always been there to the surface as a great invitation and opportunity to evolve individually and collectively.

Positivism and deepening in our capacity to be awakened human beings has to start somewhere. Let it begin with me. And you and you and you. May love prevail.

Copy and pasted (and edited) from a friend who got it from another friend.

Bless us all - Molly 


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