Tuesday, July 4, 2017

On the 4th of July: Danny Glover Gives Voice to Frederick Douglass

Deep bow to my friend Betsy Toll for sharing this video of Danny Glover reading Frederick Douglass' speech from 1852 entitled "The Meaning of July Fourth for the Negro." Please go here: https://vimeo.com/1275332

This is so vital. 

Deep bow to Howard Zinn for bringing us The People's Voices, which toured all over the country during Howard's lifetime, including here to Portland - which I will be eternally grateful for attending. This is a powerful, powerful speech read by Danny Glover that brought me to tears, breaking my heart wide open. Again. 

Each time we allow our hearts to break open, more space is cleared for love. Please watch as a heart with ears. We need to remember what we have forgotten and embrace and heal the wounds that continue unattended and neglected, impacting us all to this very day. Nothing ever goes away until given its due remembrance, reverence, and healing attention and transformative awareness. 

May we heal our nation and our planet together. And this begins, always, within the hearts and minds and souls of each and every one of us.

May all beings know peace - Molly


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