Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Jack Kornfield: Opening the Door of Wisdom and Compassion

When we clearly realize that the source of 
disharmony and misery in the world is ignorance,
we can open the door of wisdom and compassion.

Each person who comes for spiritual teachings or
psychotherapy carries his or her measure of confusion
and sorrow. Buddhism teaches that we suffer not because 
we have sinned but because we are blind. 
Compassion is the natural response to this blindness;
it arises whenever we see our human situation clearly.

We need compassion, not anger, to help us be tender with
our difficulties and not close off to them in fear.
This is how healing takes place.

Compassion is our deepest nature.
It arises from our interconnection with all things.

- Jack Kornfield
Excerpted from The Wise Heart: A Guide 
to the Universal Teachings of Buddhist Psychology 

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