Sunday, February 19, 2017

James O'Dea: With the Revival of Paternalism Time to Call in the Mother in us All

Painting by Frank Howell
With the Revival of Paternalism Time to Call in the Mother in us All

There are times I tap into a field of human ignorance that is light-choking. It is a field that holds the patterns of dense greed and distraction. It is a field of self-devouring narcissism and betrayed ideals. It is a field that has lost its Mother. It is a field that pushes aside the mother in us all.

It is our time to call her back. For even in the midst of rampaging chaos and death our common mother is giving birth. 
She hears our longing to incarnate the grace and wisdom needed for this hour. 
She is giving birth to a culture of peace seeded in hearts of compassion and whole system collaboration. She is taking shape as a conscious parenting movement that nurtures the soulful intelligence of children. She is emerging as holistic education and holistic health. She is carrying an ample sufficiency in a new collaborative economics. She is reaching deep into the heart of human reconciliation with restorative justice. She is raising a generation that thrives on equity. She is teaching the science and cosmology of oneness. She is proving the wisdom of diversity. As the mother of all life she is teaching us the true science of sustainable self-actualization. 
She comes to inspire us through every form of artistic and creative expression to harmonize life, free the spirit and unite with its source. She comes to pass the mantle of her fierce light to a generation that will dissolve the death trance of materialism and liberate the spirit of relational peace.

In this hour of emergence for the human family she integrates ecstatic spirituality and inspired action.
Yet we must consciously call her in. Call with a commitment to be her spirit in action.

Call now from the deepest part of your longing, for in the Great Mystery, you are both mother and father to the solar child of your own conscious awakening. Awake and witness how so many divine sparks of healing and justice have already ignited in the heart of a new humanity.

From The Conscious Activist 

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