Sunday, December 25, 2016

From Our Home and My Heart To Yours At Christmas

For the Children, For Peace - Our community altar that Ron built several years ago in the wake of the shooting at Sandy Hook. It continues to stand illuminating our prayers for the children and for peace.

 Merry Christmas and
warmest holiday blessings to all!
Whatever your religious tradition or spiritual practice,
may gratitude, love, laughter, and joy be with you.
And during those times that are especially hard, may
connection, compassion, and tenderness also be with you.

A prayer sits in front of me at my computer here 
at home and on my desk at work:
May we be at peace.
May our hearts remain open.
May we know the beauty of our own true nature.
May we be healed.

This is my prayer for us all.

On this Christmas Day, and as 2016 draws to an end, it is 
my hope that each of us will more deeply integrate 
the heart of what Christmas is. And may we consider 
and be mindful of how we may enter the coming New Year
with an increased commitment to help usher in a more
compassionate, just, kind, and peaceful world 
beginning, as always, within our own hearts.
 This, to me, is the loving essence of Christmas.

May our hearts remain open.
May we do this for the children, for ourselves, 
for our loved ones, for peace, and for all who we 
share this beautiful Earth with.
Bless you. Bless us all.

With love,


Kuan Yin, Bodhisattva/Goddess of Compassion

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