Monday, November 14, 2016

Pema Chödrön: During Difficult Times

This is beautiful. Profound gratitude for the heart and wisdom, love and compassion of Pema Chödrön. May she touch our hearts with remembrance of what truly matters and inspire us all to grow even stronger in the love and kindness we bring to ourselves and others. May we be the peace our world hungers for. Molly
Photo by Molly

During difficult times like this, I'm feeling that the most important thing is our love for each other and remembering to express that and avoid the temptation to get caught in negative and aggressive thinking. Instead of polarizing, this is a chance to stay with the groundlessness. I've been meditating and getting in touch with a deep and profound sadness. It's hard to stay with that much vulnerability but that's what I'm doing. Groundlessness and tenderness and sadness have so much to teach us. I'm feeling that it's a time to contact our hearts and to reach out and help in anyway we can. 

- Pema Chödrön


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