Friday, September 2, 2016

Personal Reflections On Propaganda and On Truth-telling In America

Photo Credit: @bradleyguidry via Instagram
Location: Austin Executive Airport (KEDC)
#WallStreetJournal #NewsBias
Many years ago I heard someone I trust refer to us as Americans as a highly propagandized people. I thought, really?? And I couldn't shake his words and set about exploring, Is this true? Over the years as I have worked hard to emerge from the fog of my ignorance and indoctrination and blind spots and wounds, I discovered that, yes, we here in America are indeed immersed in polarizing, distracting, destructive, overt and subtle propaganda. It has been an amazing and disturbing and frightening and liberating process to be engaged in this process of gradual awakening. Everything isn't as I thought it was! 

We are all too often not the land of the free, not when we have a media system rooted in multinational corporate interests and not those of we the people. Greed and lies and fear mongering and scapegoating have replaced integrity and truth and investigative journalism and a commitment to empowering us with the information we most need to know. So I post this today as just one tiny glimpse into the contradictory and biased and misleading "news" that is so common, and in gratitude for all those who instead illuminate a larger picture. There are true investigative journalists who are consistently committed to integrity, deeper issues, and truthfulness in reporting.

It is also up to each and every one of us to research and discover and discern who we can trust as resources of information and who we can't. Who is rooted in integrity and courage and a commitment to truth and who is not? Who fuels polarization and scapegoating and distractions and who builds bridges of truth and connection and speaks to a higher good for all? 

I have found that asking these questions has been deeply transformative, empowering, and part of my process of opening my heart and growing more into the loving person that is my essence. I believe that this is the true essence of us all - one of beauty and love. 

May we all individually and collectively increasingly recognize, embrace, heal, and transform the obstacles within ourselves to being the loving human beings we most deeply are.

Bless us all ~ Molly 

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