Monday, September 19, 2016

Desmond Tutu’s Beautiful Letter to a Newborn Child in the States Goes Viral

The Archbishop has shared a little secret in a little letter for a tiny little girl...

Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu wrote the sweetest letter to Baby Juliet M of Massachusetts in the US.
The letter was written earlier in July following a written request from Juliet’s father asking Tutu for a letter for his daughter.
The letter was uploaded to Facebook just over a week ago by Jeni C. She wrote: “This. This is what the world needs. This is a letter sent to a colleague’s newborn baby from Archbishop Desmond Tutu.
“Juliet’s daddy wrote to him because he wanted to collect a book of letters for Juliet. Not only did he respond, but he wrote what the world must embrace.
“This is beyond beautiful. Please share. The world needs to see this.”
Tutu’s response, according to his staff was nothing out of the ordinary.
He wrote: “Hello, little sister. You don’t know me. I am a very old grandfather from South Africa nearing the end of my journey on earth while your journey – on another continent many miles away – is just beginning.
“We may never meet on earth, so I thought to send you a secret.
“Well, it’s not really a secret because we should all know it. So I don’t mind if you tell everyone else.
“Did you know that all people belong to one family; the human family?
“That although we may look nothing like each other, live in separate homes, practise our own cultures, subscribe to different religions – and some of us have more money than others – we are all sisters and brothers in God’s family?
“You and I, and everyone else, were born with the same purpose. For love, for goodness and for one another.
“God Bless You.
Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu
Cape Town, South Africa.”

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