Saturday, July 16, 2016

What Bernie Sanders Gave to America Today

This is an amazing piece that I hope you will read all the way through and share. I love each experience of seeing the light pouring through the dark clouds. And this article is a great burst of the light of truth and hope and an invitation to make the positive difference in some way, however large or small, that is so needed. I love Bernie Sanders. I love him and am filled with profound gratitude for this great man and his lifelong courageous work for a higher good. May he inspire us all. ~ Molly
Today, my hero, Bernie Sanders, endorsed Hillary Clinton, a woman that I truly believe is sociopathic, for the office of the President of the United States and then immediately the sun hid behind a cloud and it began to rain.
I was grateful for the rain.
It’s been pretty humid here for the last several days and I was in need of the empathy.
I fought back tears as I left the gym.
I am not afraid to cry.
I just prefer to do it while I am writing.
I went home and grabbed my laptop.
I knew all this fire stinging my eyes was way too complex to be worked out with a box of tissues or a ton of free weights.
I made a point to stay off social media.
I had no time for haters, turncoats or conspiracy theorists.
I drove to the coffee shop and put in my ear buds.
Behind my glasses, I watched people moving here and there, seemingly clueless to the great turmoil taking place in their country.
I did not envy them.
I am awake now.
And I will never sleep again.
Bernie Sanders is the greatest politician of my lifetime.
He is the greatest statesman of my lifetime.
He is the greatest human being I have ever had the privilege of witnessing.
He is the voice of my generation and long after he ceases to speak, his words will echo throughout the hearts and minds of millions.
Bernie Sanders is an activist.
He stood up for me before I even knew his name…before I was even born.
Bernie Sanders inspired tens of millions of people to get outside of their comfort zones and shove their middle fingers in the face of evil.
Bernie Sanders was “dangerous”.
Bernie Sanders rattled cages.
Bernie Sanders raged against the machine!!
Bernie Sanders taught us all how this thing was supposed to be done.
Bernie Sanders is a prophet and a Buddha.
He continued to speak peace when all those around him declared war.
He woke up an entire generation and inspired tens of thousands to perform a hostile takeover of their government.
Bernie Sanders is a true revolutionary.
So why the hell did he endorse Hillary Clinton?
Do not tell me that Bernie Sanders is just another bought and paid for politician.
To even utter such nonsense would show complete and all-encompassing ignorance.
This man has fought for what is right when literally no one was fighting by his side.
This man went toe to toe with Alan Greenspan for eight and a half hours.
This man spoke the truth why corrupt politicians laughed at him and left the room in blatant shows of disrespect.
Bernie Sanders was the tree, falling again and again in the D.C. forest of corruption.
Bernie Sanders was the one hand clapping against the fascist regime, when you and I were still watching CNN and calling it news.
Bernie Sanders is The Truth.
So don’t even think about telling me that Bernie Sanders sold out, as if suddenly, after 40 years of trying, the powers that be, finally found some secret treasure that Senator Sanders could not resist.
And do not waste my time with your foolish conspiracy theories about how Hillary Clinton threatened him in some way.
They have been threatening Bernie Sanders for decades.
Bernie Sanders does not succumb to threats.
Bernie Sanders endorsed Hillary Clinton because he cares more about us than he does about selfish glory.
Bernie Sanders changed the world again today and if you weren’t watching closely, you may have missed it.
Bernie Sanders just sent millions of poor kids to college.
Bernie Sanders just saved millions of lives.
As part of Bernie Sanders’ agreement to endorse Hillary Clinton, Clinton had to agree to support free public universities for low income families.
This is not something that she wanted.
So why will she keep up her end of the bargain?
Because she is driven by ego.
She wants to be recognized as a good person and a good president.
I know she lies and breaks promises and Bernie knows this too.
But she won’t break this one, because Sanders handed her the carrot, but saved the stick for us.
Today marks a reset button for Hillary Clinton.
Bernie Sanders gave her a chance to step up and do the right thing and if she doesn’t, then she will find that there are tens of millions of sticks all over this country that will cut through the air simultaneously and make her presidency a complete debacle.
I am referring to the tens of millions of activists who will watch Hillary Clinton’s every move from this day forward and make her life difficult every time she breaks a promise to the American people.
I am referring to the tens of thousands of activists who are running for public office, who will take over our House and Senate and infect change from the inside.
I am referring to you.
You have a stick and I encourage you to use it.
Because of Sanders’ sacrifice today, millions of American children will have a way to escape extreme poverty and follow their dreams.
Because of Sanders’ sacrifice today, there is now light penetrating the darkness in the places that our government forgot to represent.
I, like you, wanted Bernie to win the Presidency and there is little doubt that he could have done so through an Independent run, but if he had won, he would have met with extreme opposition from the establishment that owns every branch of our government.
Sanders would have toiled in office, waiting for new elections, so that activists could take over the seats required to pass the bills that the establishment would strike down.
So Sanders did what any wise old warrior would do.
He conceded the battle, so that we might win the war.
And Clinton will get the college bill passed through, whereas Sanders would not have been able to.
She has the contacts in the House and Senate to make it happen.
It will become the cornerstone of her presidency.
She will act like she thought of it and the uniformed will talk about what a hero she is and she will stand on the stage and wave and smile and some impoverished child somewhere will show their report card to their mother and their mother will smile and say..
“Thanks to Hillary, you will be able to become a doctor if you keep this up.”
And those millions of educated young people will go out and change the world for the better.
So just in case you missed it..
That’s what Bernie Sanders gave to America today.

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