Sunday, June 19, 2016

Reflections On Change, Sobriety, the Big Countdown, and Life's Many Doorways

I took this photo of a lily in our backyard pond. There is so much beauty in the world and within each of us. And impermanence and change. And often the most treasured gifts that we receive in life are those that come with great change and effort and courage and support and commitment and love and compassion. 
So many doorways have opened for me. On June 19th, 1984 - 32 years ago today - I walked through the doorway of my sobriety and have been clean and sober ever since. And everything - I do mean everything - has changed in my life. It took taking that first step. And first there was the seeking of the doorway, then actually seeing the opening, and then stepping into this whole new world. Actually, it was more like pinching my nose and jumping even though I was scared to death. Terrified. But I jumped anyway.
So many other doorways... 
In a few months it will be 10 years since I began working for the State of Oregon Child Welfare as a permanency caseworker. Which is just one more life experience that has changed me, stretched me, helped me to grow into strengths I did not know I have. All while making a difference in the lives of children and families. It is said that we teach what we need to learn. So true for me. And as I have supported those I have worked with in opening increasingly to their own wholeness, so too have I grown more whole myself. It is an ongoing process. It has now actually been close to 30 years since I began my work with children and families. And I am so grateful. Even though it has often been hard and painful work, I am so grateful. There are children I will carry in my heart forever. Along the way, I have also learned to love the child within myself.
Now, today, in addition to celebrating Father's Day and my sobriety and spending time with Ron and with my mom and with friends, I also counted out the weeks left until I retire. RETIRE! 41 weeks. The countdown is underway! 41 WEEKS! YAY! 
Not that I will be retiring from life. No. As long as there is breath left in my body I believe I will be seeking and walking through new doorway after doorway after doorway which in some way reflects my commitment to my ongoing awakening and to walking the path I came here to walk and to making a difference in the world. 
We are all needed. Our awakening and embracing this difference we each can make is especially needed. May each of us discover and practice what it is that we came here to do. 
What a wild and wondrous trip Life is! And being brave enough to open to new doorways and to wholeness and to love are among its most treasured gifts. At least this has certainly been my experience. Blessed be. 
Bless us all ~ Molly 

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