Friday, June 24, 2016

Joe Brewer: The Pain You Feel is Capitalism Dying

I appreciate this article and all that supports us in more clearly seeing, naming, understanding, transforming, and awakening. There truly is a Great Death and a Great Awakening and Rebirth unfolding. The more each of us is empowered to see and embrace this individual and collective experience, rather than deny it, the more we are empowered to be part of the solution and act to do our part, however large or small that may be, in working towards a more caring, kind, peaceful, and sustainable world. We are all in this together. Bless us all. May the highest good prevail. ~ Molly

I know it hurts — but what you are feeling (alongside millions of others) is the natural consequence of late-stage capitalism.

It can be very confusing to know that you won’t find a decent job, pay off student loans or put in a down payment on a house in the next few years — even though you may have graduated from a top-tier university or secured glowing references from all those unpaid internships that got you to where you are today.
Even if you are lucky enough to have all of this going for you, you’ll still be one among hundreds of applicants for every job you apply for. And you’ll still watch as the world becomes more unequal, with fewer paid opportunities to do what you feel called to do in your work or for your life path.
What’s more, you won’t find much help from your friends because most (if not all) of them are going through the same thing. This is a painful and difficult time that is impacting all of us at once.
There will be people who tell you it’s your fault. That you aren’t trying hard enough. But those people are culprits in perpetuating a great lie of this period in history. The standard assumptions for how to be successful in life a few decades ago simply do not apply anymore. The guilt and shame you feel is themental disease of late-stage capitalism. Embrace this truth and set yourself free.
To see how broken things have become you’ll have to think systemically.Take note of the systems built up to create this situation and understand how it came to be — so you’ll see why it cannot possibly continue on its current path.
First, a diagnosis of the problem:
A Global Architecture of Wealth Extraction has been systematically built up to rig the economic game against you. This is why a tiny number of people (current count is 62) have more wealth amongst them than half the human population. Decades of those using tax havens to hide their wealth, unfair trade agreements designed to extract wealth from poor countries, banking regulations and austerity measures meant to destabilize entire economies so massive transfers of wealth can go from everyone else to a tiny financial elite, and election rules that all-but-guarantee only those who become whores to these financial pimps will ever sit in high office.
So yeah, it’s okay to feel restless as capitalism winds itself down from these system-level harms to society.
Why do I say that capitalism (in its corporatist, wealth-extracting form) is dying? There’s a long, detailed story that could be told about this. For the sake of brevity, I will answer with two essential pieces that show how business-as-usual is finished. It is physically impossible for it to continue much longer.

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