Monday, May 23, 2016

Shaun King: Here’s Why I’m Leaving the Democratic Party After This Presidential Election and You Should Too

This is an excellent article!! ~ Molly

Many of you aren't religious, so please forgive me for recalling my roots as a preacher and starting us off with a simple verse of scripture.

"The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil."
 - 1 Timothy 6:10, The New Testament of the Bible

While my practice and devotion to religion has waxed and waned across the past few years, I still very much believe that verse is true. When you find evil in the world, when you find corruption, when you find starvation and exploitation, when you find poverty and despair, when you find drugs, guns, and substandard housing, when you find evil — if you dig far enough, you will often discover the love of money at the root. Underneath so much of what is wrong in this country is the deep love of money and all that it brings. 

Sometimes the connection is obvious and undeniable - other times not so much, but like the huge glacier underneath the still water, it is there.

Right now, the Democratic Party, which I have called home my entire life, is deeply in love with money. Consequently, its leaders have supported and advanced all kinds of evil, big and small, in devotion to this love affair.

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