Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Longstanding Hillary Clinton Ties to Monsanto

by Stephen Lendman

Her presidency would be nightmarish for world peace, popular interests and what remains of fundamental freedoms, a disaster risking full-blown tyranny and global war - vital to go all-out to oppose.

Her biotech/agribusiness ties began during the 1980s as a Rose Law firm lawyer. Monsanto and Tyson Foods were clients.

During her years as first lady in the 1990s, she supported harmful to health genetically modified foods and ingredients - while banning them from White House menus.

The Clinton and Bush II families ate organic foods, free from genetic manipulation and toxic pesticides.

As Obama’s secretary of state, she heavily pressured other countries to use and import GMOs. US taxpayer money continues promoting them worldwide, ignoring food safety.

Monsanto gave the Clinton Foundation up to a million dollars - dirty money buying influence. Last year, she hired former Monsanto lobbyist Jerry Crawford to run her campaign.

Environmentalists justifiably call her the “Bride of Frankenfood.” Throughout her legal and political careers, she consistently supported corporate interests at the expense of popular ones.

It’s unsurprising she and husband Bill are multi-millionaires. As of late 2015, their estimated net worth exceeds $110 million.

During her unsuccessful 2008 presidential campaign, Monsanto’s Washington law firm sponsored a fundraiser, titled “Rural Americans for Hillary.”

It emblazoned a large “Welcome Hillary” sign on a toxic Monsanto Roundup sprayer. The company is involved in raising millions of dollars from donors to elect her president.

In late June 2014, she keynoted the BIO International Convention, attended by 15,667 industry leaders, including nearly 2,500 CEOs from all 50 states and 70 foreign countries - endorsing GMO foods and ingredients, saying:

“I stand in favor of using (GMO) seed and products that have a proven track record. There’s a big gap between the facts and what the perceptions are.”

She charges around $200,000 per speech. Wall Street paid her millions. The major banks are her largest campaign contributors.

Disturbing facts belie her GMO support, wanting ordinary people worldwide consuming what she and husband Bill shun.

Food Democracy Now! (FDN) calls her “another Monsanto-loving president in the White House” if elected. Her longstanding ties to “the most hated corporation on the planet” give millions of Americans cause for concern.

FDN calls for “end(ing) Monsanto’s hold on the White House and American policy once and for all.”

Hillary’s toxic pro-war, pro-corporate, anti-democratic, anti-populist agenda is polar opposite what’s vitally needed.

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