Sunday, May 29, 2016

For Memorial Day - Results of Interventionists Regime-Change Wars

Results of interventionists regime-change wars

Facts are facts. If we examine H*llary Cl*nton's hawkish foreign policy record, what we see is a truly disturbing repetition compulsion to push for preemptive invasions and "regime toppling" over and over again -- apparently without either the moral, ethical, or cognitive capacity to be able to learn a thing from her failed "mistakes." 

If after thousands upon thousands of the deaths and maiming of our U.S. troops... if after all of the the unconscionable devastation of entire countries that have resulted in bombed out homelands, the charred bodies of innocent civilians, and orphaned children... if after repeatedly helping to incite civil wars, instability, and political unrest leading to the power vacuums that have allowed extremist factions like ISIS to thrive in the Middle East region and spread throughout the world, with desperately frightened people fleeing in droves with no place to go... CLEARLY this dreadful woman who is being considered by some to be our next president is stark raving blind to viewing any of this as other than, in her own words, an exciting "business opportunity" for American corporations and financial institutions.

Hillary Clinton with war criminal Henry Kissinger

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