Saturday, January 23, 2016

Shiloh Sophia: To Be Glorious

 This was shared by my dear friend Olivia Oso.
A sweet and powerful gift.
In opening to love ourselves,
our hearts open to all.
Namaste ~ Molly

To Be Glorious

Today, I choose myself.
I choose to be the Queen of my own domain.
To name myself as the one who governs my life.
I shall not wait for the approval of others.
I will act on my own behalf and inner knowing.
I choose to listen to this great heart within me.
To honor what it wants, needs and longs for.
I shall no longer allow the sacred parts of myself
to feel worthless, fragmented and isolated.
I choose to take up space in this Universe.
To inhabit this vessel of self, which is my holy temple.

I shall not keep my gifts hidden any longer
or allow fear to keep me from my greatness.
I choose to be as wonderful as I truly am.
To explore just who I might be, after all these years.
I shall not judge myself for where I have not
journeyed yet, or the ways I have been untrue.
I choose to forgive myself and release the old stories
 to make space for new stories, legends even, to emerge.

 I shall not forsake my dreamings and visionings or allow
 others ideas to crowd my own. I will think my own thoughts.
 I choose to fall in love with who I am, as I am, right now.
To embrace the messy and the marvelous within me.

I shall not diminish my light, one day longer. Hear me now.
I release the shadows. Open hands. Open heart. Whoosh.
I choose to see myself, and to be seen by you, too.
To find you and dance with you and let you know I see you.
I choose to see myself as whole, holy, worthy and wildly me.
And Oh! So much more than enough. I choose to be outrageous!
Being glorious is not a default. It is a choice. Hear me now.
Are you ready for this? I am. Today, I choose myself.
I choose to be glorious!

Shiloh Sophia ©2013

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