Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Rep. Mike Honda: We Cannot Allow Hateful Acts To Drive Us Into Misguided Action

As the rhetoric around the plight of thousands of Syrian war refugees gets more extreme by the day, California Rep. Mike Honda, who was raised in a Japanese-American internment camp, delivers a forceful moral call for compassion and for adhering to our country's principles.

"I was raised in an internment camp and know firsthand how that dark moment in our nation’s history led to repercussions tha
t have resonated over the years.

"I am outraged by reports of elected officials calling for Syrian Americans to be rounded up and interned.

"We simply cannot let the extremist perpetrators of these hateful acts of violence drive us into such a misguided action. For it is when we allow these criminals to lead us down a dark path, away from our principles and ideals, that we as a country suffer."

Read his entire column here:

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